Green Crack Strain Seeds | green crack seeds for sale
Enjoy the sweet, earthy flavor of this uplifting strain and find out why everyone’s talking about Green Crack marijuana seeds! At 18% THC, this moderate strain delivers energy and focus, while also fighting off fatigue and depression.
Nearly balanced at 60:40 (favoring indica), it offer the uplifting focused high of a sativa with an invigorating buzz that helps get you through the day, even if the name leaves something to be desired (fans have taken to calling it “Green Cush” instead, to bypass the negative stereotypes).
Believed to be born of Skunk #1 and Afghani indica, it is an ideal strain for the beginner gardener, though these feminized seeds will need to have attention paid closely to them in order to switch from the vegetative stage to flowering. At 18% THC, however, the extra tender loving care is well worth it.
Labelled as sweet and earthy, with a strong citrus note, Green Crack is what you’d consider a daytime strain, its happy high a by-product of its sativa genetics and great for treating stress and depression, while also providing the kind of energy to help combat fatigue.
Whether you call it crack or cush, you can stock up
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