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buy Big Foot Cannabis Oil online | Big Foot Cannabis Oil for sale

Big Foot Cannabis Oil makes you  relaxed, Big Foot Cannabis Oil makes you happy


61.85% THC and 1.95% CBD


Big Foot Cannabis Oil is our house blend of several strains we mixed together because we didn’t have enough of each strain individually to do a separate extraction.

The strains are:
Dead Head
Critical Jack

All three of these strains are Hybrids meaning they have both indica and sativa genetics. Hybrids give you a nice mix of feeling relaxed and mentally stimulated without either effect being too overbearing. This oil was extracted using the Rick Simpson solvent extraction method which is why this oil is darker than the CO2 extracted oils above. Big Foot Cannabis Oil for sale

Big Foot Cannabis Oil for sale

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Sour Diesel Marijuana Seeds https://weeddispensaryworldwide.com/product/sour-diesel-marijuana-seeds/ https://weeddispensaryworldwide.com/product/sour-diesel-marijuana-seeds/#respond Thu, 23 Mar 2023 01:24:54 +0000 https://weeddispensaryworldwide.com/?post_type=product&p=350 sour diesel seeds  | sour diesel seeds for sale| purple sour diesel seeds for sale  | best sour diesel seeds Plant type Feminized Sativa or Indica 60% – 40% Sativa dominant THC Level High at 18% CBD (Medical) Medium Height Tall (70/250 cm – 59″/71″) Yield Very high (450/650 gr/m² – 16/23oz/11ft²”) Flowering period Long [...]

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Plant type Feminized
Sativa or Indica 60% – 40% Sativa dominant
THC Level High at 18%
CBD (Medical) Medium
Height Tall (70/250 cm – 59″/71″)
Yield Very high (450/650 gr/m² – 16/23oz/11ft²”)
Flowering period Long (68 days)
Climate Sunny / mediterranean
Good for Indoor, Outdoor, Medical

Like many of the best cannabis strains coming out these days, Sour Diesel comes straight from California (Sour Diesel Marijuana Seeds). It is a favorite with many smokers and growers. These powerful American genetics will grow well indoors around the world; outdoors, on the other hand, they need a warm climate, similar to California or Spain.

  • Very high yield
  • Suitable for medical use
  • You will find yourself talkative and relaxed

Sour Diesel (Sour Diesel Marijuana Seeds) is considered a “Top Cash Crop” by experts. This extra-dank weed breed delivers an energetic, psychedelic high. Also known by the name “Sour D,” this world-famous strain has a presence that’s really strong and reeks of fuel. You’re left ready to tackle your accomplishments, instead of feeling “couch lock,” allowing you to have a good time filled with good vibrations.

This sativa-dominant cannabis is mixed with 60% sativa and 40% indica. It’s fast-acting and delivers cerebral effects that leave you feeling dreamy and energized. As a medical cannabis strain, it offers some very effective medicinal qualities. Consumers use it to help combat and get long-lasting relief from depression, pain, stress and other ailments.

Sour Diesel Marijuana Seeds grow into tall plants with 20% THC and 0.20% CBD contents. These plants grow best in sunny, warm climates. They are prone to powdery mildew, so experts place their growth level at hard. But, with the right growing techniques, these plants can flourish both indoors and outdoors. This feminized strain of cannabis was named after its aroma, which smells of diesel fuel, and tastes of tropical fruitiness.

This is a mostly Sativa strain which shows in both its growth structure and the strong high effect it gives when consumed. The plant develops its resinous buds and powerful aroma over a 10-week flowering period. These plants will grow to a height of around 100-130 cm, with some stretching during early flowering.


Sour Diesel (Sour Diesel Marijuana Seeds) is a very pungent, aromatic strain. Heavy chemical, herbal and sour flavors come from its glistening buds. When grown well, it will give yields of 450-600 grams per square meter. This is both a yield in quantity and quality, producing high-quality, resinous, aromatic buds. Full Diesel power!

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